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    Comments: Great Bedside Manner
    Dr. Bryce Johnson is a great Spine Surgeon,; who just a while ago this morning happily answered a ton of questions about my upcoming Spinal Fusion Surgery. This Surgery had to be rescheduled because of family plans I made months ago.
    He gave me excellent advice on when I could safely travel after surgery.
    His staff (everyone when you walk in) is excellent. His Medical Assistant(s) are great. Dr. Johnson’s knowledge on, Surgical techniques, hardware are excellent.
    The above are what I consider excellent traits involving my selection of a Spine Surgeon and his subsequent Support Staff.
    There is a very old expression “don’t go to a barbershop unless you want a haircut.”
    Dr. Johnson deals with Spine Surgery, he is extremely pleasant and well informed, that’s exactly what I want, a well Informed TALENTED Spine Surgeon, not just someone to “shoot the breeze with.”
    I want a Surgeon with TALENT AND EXPERIENCE, lucky for me, he is kind as well.

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